Saturday 18 January 2014

Shopping my Stash #1


I remember watching a few of these videos and reading peoples posts a while ago and I just
 loved the whole concept of shopping my stash. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, it's basically where you go through your products and pick out things you haven't used in a while, or products you have yet to try or even ones you used to love but forgot about. This is also a good opportunity to potentially use up products that are nearly empty, it will create more room in your make-up collection for more things then.
So i've picked 5 things that i'll try and use more in January and i'll do another one of these in February!

Maybelline BB Cream

I've almost finished this BB Cream so I thought I may aswell dig it out of my make-up collection and use the rest of it. It's currently the only BB Cream that I own, and in the summer they are great to use, but for now I want to get it used up.

Topshop 'Sunbeam' Highlighter

This is the first highlighter I ever bought, and I do really like it! It's quite scarily yellow gold in colour but when used sparingly this is gorgeous! Again another more summer product but I have been neglecting this highlighter lately, so I thought i'd give it some more love and actually use it.

Sleek Blush by 3 - Candy Collection

This was released in the Spring of 2013 and as I have so many blushes I completely pushed this to one side, it is a gorgeous palette of 3 pink blushes and I am determined to get some more use out of this as I absolutely adore Sleek blushes.

Chanel Inimitable Intense Mascara (sample)

I have a few samples floating around in amongst my other make-up, and as my previous mascara had finished I thought i'd get on to using the mascara samples that I have. No good having them cluttering up my drawer. Also will be nice to use a high end mascara, as I always use drugstore/highstreet mascaras.

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain (Crush)

I got this in the latter half of 2013 and I put it away thinking i'll use it in the winter time, and as it is winter time now I thought i'd bring it out and make the most of it. I already have the Lovesick shade (the bright pink one) and I love everything about it so I'm looking forward to using this one.

Any questions/comments please leave below.


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