Friday 20 December 2013

My Favourite Christmas Films!

Hi guys!
It's the third and final installment of my countdown of Christmas entertainment, i've already covered my favourite Christmas TV (link here) and my favourite Christmas songs (link here) and this post is dedicated to my favourite Christmas films!
Who doesn't love a good Christmas film at this time of year, I bet well all watch a heck of a lot more films around Christmas time than any other time of year. That is certainly the case for me. The Christmas films are great as they cater for the young and the old, your entire family can sit down together and watch them. I just love it.
So without further a do, let's get cracking!
I've started off with a good one, honestly this has become one my favourite Christmas films. It is ridiculously funny, Will Ferrell is a genius actor and he manages to make this film not only very funny but also heartwarming and sweet at the same time, there is a real heart to it and this film is considered a modern Christmas movie classic and I can see why. I'm laughing now as I write this as I think of some funny moments. "SANTAAA!!!"

The Santa Clause
I can remember watching this film when I was younger and laughing my socks off at Santa falling off the roof, don't know why I found that so funny but it's stuck with me, and now that I come to think of it Santa falling off the roof shouldn't be funny, but if you've seen this film and know what scene i'm talking about, you'll understand where i'm coming from. If I think of which Christmas film to watch then this one is always the first I think of, it's a great story and one which will guarantee to put a smile on my face every Christmas.

Santa Clause - The Movie
Not to be confused between the film I just discussed, everyone mixes them up and I still do from time to time. This film, is Christmas in a nutshell. It is literally perfection. You cannot top it. Released in 1985 with the amazing Dudley Moore, everything from the amazing toy shop, the reindeers, oh the whole thing is how you'd expect the North Pole to be. Just watch it now if you haven't.
Love Actually
This film is so different to all the others i've talked about, it doesn't focus on Santa Clause or anything to do with the North Pole, it focuses on people. Different relationships at Christmas from husband and wife, unrequited love, child love, you name it they have it. The cast is ridiculously amazing! Cream of the crop when it comes to British actors. My particular favourite is between Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon's characters, and Hugh Grant's dancing always makes me laugh. It's the kind of film that really makes you think about your loved ones and it'll make you feel so good and yes it'll make you cry, but in a good way. Not only one of my favourite ever Christmas films, but one of my favourite films! To quote the film - "To me, you are perfect."
The Holiday
If you're after another romantic comedy film this Christmas then The Holiday would be right up there after Love Actually. This four cast helping is a genius combination, and it'll make you laugh and cry. The two girls swapping homes for Christmas and meeting the two guys and it all just makes their lives better, and just makes them happier. This film is on a lot over Christmas, especially on one of the ITV channels, i've already seen it twice on the ITV channels and it's only 17th December! The cast is just brilliant, and the two stories are very heartwarming. Beautiful!
I know i've missed out a load of other classics e.g. Home Alone, The Grinch, The Polar Express, The Muppets A Christmas Carol are just five I can think of, even though I love those films too I wanted to just do my Top 5.
What are your favourite Christmas films?
Merry Christmas!!!
All views/opinions are my own.

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