Monday 4 November 2013

My Eczema Story

Hi everyone
Well it's time for me to come out of the darkness and confess my reasons for starting this blog.
I wanted to start this because, firstly I love make-up and beauty products. Secondly I suffer with eczema and I wanted to blog about products I love, and that I feel may be eczema friendly/good for people who have very sensitive, dry skin. I just wanted to help out any fellow eczema sisters out there, so yeah that's basically it. Now here is my eczema story.
I have suffered with eczema since I was very young. My mum used to suffer with it until she was a teenager and then it went away, unfortunately for me it did not.
I’ve had it everywhere!
On the inside of my elbows, my hands, behind my knees, base of my back, cracks of my ears, my neck and my entire face (particularly my forehead and around my eyes and the sides of my lips).
Over the years it has come and gone from different areas of my body, for example I used to suffer with it really badly behind my knees (so much so that i could not wear jeans or tights), my first experience wearing both of these was when I turned 13 and not long before that it disappeared and *touchwood* hasn’t returned since. I never suffered with eczema on my face, that was until about four years ago, and let me tell you facial eczema is the worst as you can really struggle to cover it up. And on my hands it only started a couple of years ago.
It’s supposed to get better as you get older (so i’ve been told many times by many people) but my skin is just stubborn I guess.
Like most eczema sufferers i’m desperate for a cure, i’ve tried so many types of creams, ointments, emollients, alternative medicine, chinese herbal stuff, cutting food out of my diet etc. Nothing seems to work. But i’ve got to a stage in my life where i can pretty much cope with my eczema, i’m so used to it now i’ve accepted it.
I have my good days and my bad days, I used to hate having showers and washing my hair - when my eczema was at its worst, I could barely shower or have a bath without my eczema flaring up like crazy! Thankfully my skin seems to have calmed right down and I can cope with using bath and shower products now without having to worry too much. I am a shower girl at heart, it would be rare to see me having a bath, but if I do choose to have a bath I am extremely cautious about the bath products I use. 
I used to use all the horrible steroid creams from the doctors and other medical creams when my eczema was at its worst, but now I avoid them altogether! It really is the best thing, unless your eczema is seriously bad. Around my eyes was where my face eczema was at its worse, it made my eyes look very red and scaley, oh it was just awful! And I had to resort to using steroid creams. Which have basically ruined the skin around my eyes and made the skin thinner, to the point where I have fine lines, which isn't so much fun at 23.
I now use a very natural product called Dr Organic Manuka Honey Rescue Cream (which i've talked about here) but it has literally been a wonder product for my face eczema which has as good as cleared up! It is my holy grail, desert island skincare product. And if you have eczema I really urge you to give it a try. It may help you as much as it's helped me. It’s taken me 23 years to find something that seems to work, annoyingly it’s all about trial and error.
Any questions, comments etc please feel free to leave them below and i'll answer them.
If you’re reading this and you’re a fellow eczema sufferer, i just want to tell you you’re beautiful :) I know how you feel. Remember you’re never alone <3


  1. Hello :) I too am a long standing eczema sufferer - mostly on the backs of my legs, insides of my elbows, in and around my ears, my chest and, most severely, my eyelids. It's brilliant to hear that someone else understands! Especially the eyelid thing - I genuinely thought I was the only one! They are extremely flaky to the point where skin will float down onto my face, and very, very painful. There are also discoloured right up to my eyebrows due to the mix of steroids etc the doctors have prescribed me over the years [I'm 25 now]. I have been going through a rough spell recently and now it is the worst it has ever been, so I'm seeing a dermatologist in a few weeks. I also bought some of that Dr Organics manuka honey cream, but I'm quite doubtful of it working; my eyelids sting even if I put a bland emollient on them :( Anyway, thanks for posting, I will be keeping an eye on this blog :)

    Suzanne x

    1. Hi Suzanne, thank-you for your comment!

      I feel your pain honey, my eyelids and my brow bone are discoloured because of the steroids i've used too. You're not alone, although I know what it feels like to think that you are. I really hope that cream works for you! Come back and let me know how you get on with it. And thank-you for showing an interest in my blog, I really appreciate it :)

      Amy xx

  2. I`m glad to know that I`m not the only one going crazy with eczema around my eyelid area. The constant drying, flaking, redness of the skin is like a never-ending cycle. Thank you for sharing your story and tips on how to manage eczema! It`s very difficult for me to hide it because it`s near my eyes; wearing sunglasses works but you get strange stares from others if worn indoors :) I`m barely getting by with Prevex cream to prevent my skin from getting super dry and cracking. It`s quite thick and "heavy" on the skin and probably reduces my skin's ability to breathe but it's either that or deal with red/flaring skin. I read your story about your experience with Dr. Organic Manuka Rescue Cream and am interested on whether my eczema would respond to it the same way yours did. Will definitely look around for it in my city (Toronto, Canada) so I can give it a whirl.
