Monday 4 November 2013

Coping with Eczema : Top Tips

Hi everyone

You have eczema? Check.

Want some handy little tips that can help you cope with it? Carry on reading.

1.) Drink as much water as you can every single day (I do not drink tea or coffee, and I don’t drink alcohol (only very rarely), and I have cut down on my fizzy drink intake. Water will hydrate your skin, common sense I know but it helps, really.

2.) Keep a glass of water somewhere in your room and let it all evaporate naturally, it will keep moisture in the air and keep the room more hydrated.

3.) Take showers not baths - the hot water may help or hinder your skin, again this is all based on the individual so baths may work better for you, but for me baths (regardless if it’s just water or with bubble bath etc) are not the best of the two choices.

4.) Use the right washing powder - my mum sorted this out when i was young and whatever she uses does the trick for me.

5.) Also you can buy things for your bedding and even my bedroom carpet deters dust mites and things which can help.

6.) Avoid central heating if you can (this is hard in the winter, my eczema goes nuts when it’s on though), I switched my radiator off in my room completely. Just put more layers on.

7.) Expose your eczema to air - sounds silly but my sister pointed out that I was wearing lots of long sleeved things so i wasn’t allowing my skin enough chance to breathe that much (this is more so if you suffer with eczema on your arms, back or legs).

8.) Wear cotton things as much as you can, rough clothes as you probably know are a no go.

9.) Get out in the sun as much as possible (although if you live somewhere like I do in the UK where it’s basically non-existent, then that can be tricky, but try as much as you can, when its spring and summer get out there :)

10.) Keep an eye on your diet - Fresh fruit and vegetables are better than processed/junk food. Also check when you flare up the most and what food you have eaten during that time, cut that out of your diet for a while and see if that makes any difference

11.) If you’re near the sea, and if you’re brave enough, go and swim in the sea or just put the water on your affected areas. I know the salt in the sea will make your eczema sting like hell (I know its horrendous!) but it does help afterwards (well it did for me anyway).

12.) Talk to your doctor (or go to various doctors for different opinions) talk to fellow eczema suffers/research online about new treatments, you never know you may find the right cream or treatment that will make eczema easier to live with. But also remember what may work for a lot of people, may not necessarily work for you.

13.) I know this is an obvious one and I HATE it when people say it to me, but it is true, really do try not to scratch your eczema if you can. Occupy your hands with other tasks, but if you really have the urge to scratch, rub the area instead of using your nails.

14.) Talking of nails, keep them short. I am actually still a nail bitter and so that help me, but keep them trimmed as short as is comfortable it will stop those horrible scratch marks from occuring.

15.) Avoid products with fragrance/perfumes in them. If you want to try a cheap brand with no irritants try researching eczema suited products such as Simple and Aveeno, they are probably your best bet to start with.

16.) Know that you are never alone. You may feel and look dreadful, believe me i’ve felt that almost everyday, but appearance isn’t everything. If you have good family and amazing friends they will love you for who you are and they wouldn’t care what you look like. And help you through days when you just feel like staying hidden in a dark place somewhere.
Also just to note - Know that i claim to have NO CURE for eczema (Oh how I wish I did!). 
I just know that these methods have worked for me, but they may not for you.
I wanted to write this and hopefully if it has helped even just one person improve their eczema in the slightest way then i will be happy.
As usual, any comments or questions please leave them below :)

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